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 grapherrormsg()         Return Error Message String

 #include   <graphics.h>

 char far *far grapherrormsg(errcode);     /* for huge model */
 int           errcode;

 char *far  grapherrormsg(errcode);         /* for all other models*/
 int        errcode;

    grapherrormsg() returns a pointer to a string associated with the
    error code returned by graphresult() after an unsuccessful graphics
    function call.  grapherrormsg() can be used with printf() to print
    out the error message, making programs more readable.

    The following table lists the error message strings returned by
    grapherrormsg(), along with the error codes returned by

        Error      'graphics_errors'
        code           constant              Error message string

      0             grOk                No error
     -1             grNoInitGraph       Graphics not installed
     -2             grNotDetected       Graphics hardware not detected
     -3             grFileNotFound      Device driver not found
     -4             grInvalidDriver     Invalid device driver file
     -5             grNoLoadMem         Insufficient memory to load driver
     -6             grNoScanMem         Out of memory in scan fill
     -7             grNoFloodMem        Out of memory in flood fill
     -8             grFontNotFound      Font file not found
     -9             grNoFontMem         Not enough memory to load font
     -10            grInvalidMode       Invalid mode for selected driver
     -11            grError             Graphics error
     -12            grIOerror           Graphics I/O error
     -13            grInvalidFont       Invalid font file
     -14            grInvalidFontNum    Invalid font number
     -15            grInvalidDeviceNum  Invalid device number

    Returns:    A pointer to a string associated with the error code
                returned by graphresult().

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements initialize the graphics system and print an
    error message on error.

           #include <graphics.h>
           #include <conio.h>

           int gdriver = DETECT;
           int gmode;
           int errslt;

               errslt = graphresult();
               if (errslt < 0 )
                   printf("Error #%d, %s\n",errslt,grapherrormsg(errslt));
               /* graphics operations */

See Also: graphresult()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson